A recent study found that people who lose weight at the start of a weight loss program have worse long-term results.

If tiredness feels more like a yo-yo than a ball rolling down soft sand, you may want to rethink your approach.
A new study found that people who made changes in the first few months of a weight loss program lost less weight in the long term than those who made consistent progress on a weekly basis.
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Drexel University researchers suggest this may help early adopters who need extra support to reach their obesity goals.
The dangers of regaining lost weight are nothing new to health professionals.
“Or maybe that’s a red flag or a red flag about something more than just the food you’re eating and the exercise you’re doing, and maybe that’s the behavior we need to look at.” It changes to be long-term,” says Eliza Kingsford, a licensed psychotherapist and author of Brain-Based Weight Loss, who was not involved in the study.
Yo-yo dieting has little success for Weight Loss
Published August 28 in the journal obesity, researchers followed 183 people who participated in a behavioral weight loss program for a year.
The researchers found that those who lost more weight during the first 6 or 12 months lost less weight after one and two years.
For example, someone who loses four pounds one week, gains two pounds the next, loses one the next, and so on. It’s worse than the person who lost a pound every week for the first six months.
Although weight changes during the first six months predicted long-term success, researchers found that 12-month changes had little effect on other factors.
All volunteers are given goals to monitor their skills, progress, and increase physical activity during the program.
The first six months of the program focus on recovery with weekly small group sessions. The last six months have focused on keeping the weight off with frequent sessions.
Those who reported more in eating, emotional eating, and preoccupation with food at the beginning of the study showed greater weight changes and were less obese after one or two years.
This suggests that weight change is a better predictor of long-term success than a person’s relationship with food.
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The researchers noted that the study did not show that weight changes lead to weight loss. But it can target people who don’t benefit from a specific weight loss program – before trying to lose weight for a year.
Other studies have found that initial success in a weight loss program predicts long-term results. But this study looked at the percentage of changes in weight loss, not how much weight a person jumps per week.
While losing ten pounds in the first week can be a big boost for most people, it won’t matter in the long run if you’re overweight.
A great example of this comes from a reliable source, Obesity, which tracked 14 contestants on The Biggest Loser in 2016.
Through the 30-week program, the subjects lost an average of 129 pounds each. But six years later, he gained a lot of weight, averaging 90 pounds.
Promote sustainable consumption for Weight Loss
Kingsford told Healthline that doing things like restricting your calories or cutting out carbs can give you massive weight loss results, which doesn’t make sense if you want lifelong success.
“The vision supports and sustains long-term behavior change,” Kingsford said. “Of course, this won’t produce the same sexy results as losing 10 pounds in a week.”
Sexy or not, if you’re trying to maintain weight, it’s good to be consistent.
Kingsford says one way to take a sustainable approach to poverty is to set realistic goals.
For example, if your approach to exercise is running, and you currently run a mile three times a week, you need to take the next step. That means running 2 miles on one or two of those days, then jogging 10 miles straight, six times a week.
This approach positively strengthens your targeting “muscle”.
“The more goals you set and achieve, the more goals you can set,” Kingsford said.
Another chronic weight loss solution is to look at food storage.
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Do you eat when you are hungry, stressed, or happy? Do you hang out with your friends every Friday night? When you sit down to watch your favorite TV show, do you automatically reach for the bag?
“Take a look at your current patterns of behavior around food and figure out what those triggers are, be it positive or negative triggers,” said Kingsford. “Then systematically look at changing those patterns of behavior based on the knowledge of the triggers.”
This approach to weight loss isn’t for everyone, though, especially with so many ads popping up online for “sexy” weight loss options.
But many people burn out from always trying the latest diet or the next cool workout.
“People eventually come to me saying: I’m tired of dieting, I’m tired of yo-yoing, I’m tired of being unsuccessful,” said Kingsford. “They get to the point of knowing this is about something more than just food and exercise.”