Kaun Banega Crorepati 15: Amitabh Bachchan has made his triumphant return as the host of the beloved quiz-based game show, ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’. The 15th season made its debut on August 14, captivating audiences once again on Sony TV. The ninth episode, which graced the screens on August 25, commenced with Amitabh Bachchan overseeing the rapid-fire ‘fastest finger first’ round. The spotlight then fell on Komal Prasad Gupta, hailing from Pandariya, Chhattisgarh, who clinched victory in this round, securing a place in the coveted hot seat. Gupta, a Regional Operation Officer in a cake premix company, participated with enthusiasm. However, a misstep in answering a Rs 3,20,000 question resulted in a prize of Rs 10,000, ultimately leading him to conclude his journey on the show.
Following Gupta’s turn, Saurabh Sengupta, a Finance Executive from Chhattisgarh, took center stage as the second contestant in the hot seat. In an engaging conversation, Amitabh Bachchan and Saurabh delved into the realm of superstitions, providing viewers with thought-provoking insights.
Exploring Superstitions with Big B:
During the episode, Saurabh and Amitabh Bachchan engaged in a dialogue about superstitions. Saurabh candidly revealed his belief in superstitions, sharing a peculiar practice he follows. He described how he avoids making eye contact with a specific individual while leaving his house, as encountering that person’s gaze tends to disrupt his day. Although Saurabh didn’t disclose the person’s identity, he mentioned the swift turn he takes to avert their gaze. Seizing the opportunity, Saurabh inquired about Amitabh Bachchan’s stance on superstitions.
In response, the Bollywood icon humorously stated, “I don’t adhere to superstitions, but my chauffeur does. He would change routes unnecessarily, attributing it to a black cat crossing the path.” Amitabh Bachchan playfully highlighted his driver’s belief while encouraging viewers not to let superstitions overshadow their lives.
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Unveiling ‘KBC 15’:
‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 15’ airs on Sony TV from Monday to Friday at 9 PM and is also available for streaming on the SonyLIV app. The show’s format has seen some intriguing changes. Introducing ‘Super Sandook’, a feature allowing participants to recover what they may have lost during the game, adds an exciting twist. Another addition is the “Double Dip” lifeline, providing contestants with an additional chance to answer a question correctly. Additionally, the introduction of “Desh Ka Sawal” fosters greater audience engagement and participation.
The ninth episode of ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 15’ not only entertained but also stimulated contemplation on superstitions, as Amitabh Bachchan’s charm and the show’s innovative elements continue to captivate audiences across the nation.